Sponsor a Runner

Sponsor a Runner

You don’t have to run to support our Marathon Team! Did you know that the Marathon is the #1 fundraiser for CSG06? That’s right! Each year we organizing a team for the Marathon because we count on the sponsorship money raised to help support the vital work...
Sponsor a Runner

Join our team for the Nice to Cannes Marathon!

We are actively preparing for this year’s Nice to Cannes Marathon and this year promises to be a whole new level of FUNdraising! CSG06 is excited to announce a new partnership with Mimosa Matters for this year’s marathon. Mimosa Matters is a team of...

VOLUNTEER with us! (Next training dates: Feb.10/11, 2024)

UPCOMING VOLUNTEER TRAINING DATES — February 10 & 11, 2024 (Saturday & Sunday) If you are interested in volunteering as an Active Listener (providing a listening ear to someone with cancer or there carers, helping them in practical ways through community...

Mimosa Matters Clothes Sale (all proceeds to CSG06!)

Mimosa is happy to collect your gently worn donations of preloved ladies’ & children’s clothes for their Mimosa Winter Clothes Sale. We’re thrilled to announce that ALL PROCEEDS are being donated to Cancer Support 06. WHERE:  Le Provençal Golf, 95...