
VOLUNTEER with us! (Next training dates: Feb.10/11, 2024)

February 10 & 11, 2024 (Saturday & Sunday)

If you are interested in volunteering as an Active Listener (providing a listening ear to someone with cancer or there carers, helping them in practical ways through community support, or accompanying them to appointments as a translator), PLEASE COME and attend these training days.

The training runs from 9:00am to 5:00pm on both days, and refreshments are provided.

To SIGN UP for this training, contact Clare at  Clare is happy to answer any questions you may have!

There will be a follow-up day approximately one month later to discuss practice and answer questions.

What is an Active Listener?
Someone who listens to a client.  Active Listeners are not there to give advise, rather they allow the client the opportunity to talk about anything without burdening their family or having to put on a brave face.  We provide space for clients to reach their own conclusions and decisions.  Sometimes clients just need to express their feelings.  Active Listening can be performed in person or by telephone.  You decide (alongside your client) how often each sessions will take place, for how long, and where.

To read more about volunteering, click HERE.