
Next Taster session: Alexander Technique & Anatomy of Wholeness

An Introductory Workshop to the

Alexander Technique  & Anatomy of Wholeness

This taster session offers a friendly and informal opportunity to find out more about how my work can benefit you.  It will be simple, practical and experiential so that you can use what you learn immediately in your daily life. 

Here are some of the benefits: 

  • Improved posture: you learn to release tension patterns and regain your natural poise. This can alleviate pain and strain on joints and muscles.
  • Easier movement: Daily activities such as carrying, sitting and walking   effortless as you learn to use your body in a more integrated way and use the motor skills you already have instead of fighting against them.  In this way you reduce accidents, increase flexibility and coordination.
  • Less Stressed: By refining your self awareness you learn to pinpoint those moments of stress and to apply your newfound knowledge in releasing tension and reorganising your thoughts leaving you calmer, centred and more relaxed. You learn to be in the present rather than in the past or worrying about the future  
  • Independent: During sessions you build up a toolkit to continue the work yourself

Sessions involve simple explanations and fun demonstrations with follow-up articles and support. Participants are active learners in a supportive group! 

 The work is based on the notion that we function as a whole, thinking, feeling, moving person. However, we tend to separate our body from our minds or vice versa without even realising it. In other words we form habits. Such habits create needless problems and limit the enormous potential we have of living more healthily and happily. Re-learning to think and move as a whole has a positive impact on our lives. After all it is our default state as we see when we watch young children ! 

What to bring

Loose clothing, warm socks and a mat  

Julia Gilroy is a certified member of the International Alexander Technique organisation (ATI) and ATI France. Her interest in the structure and function of the human system grew naturally from her career as a professional classical and contemporary dancer. She works at the Pôle Santé at Rosella Hightower school, Vence Culturel Centre, CCAS La Colle sur Loup and Mougins.