Our Services
Drop-In Meetings
Friendly sessions, open to all, where you can meet members of the Group and others coping with, or recovering from, cancer. Whether it is you or a loved one who has the cancer diagnosis, come and connect. You can talk, we will listen!
The first Wednesday of the month, 3.30 to 5.00 PM, at
The Grange, 815 Chemin des Gourettes, 06370 Mouans-Sartoux
Third Friday of the month, 10.30 to 12.00 noon, at
La Ligue, 44 Bd. Maréchal Foch, 06600 Antibes
Often, a practitioner will be present, offering free 15-minute sessions or demonstrating a skill. Contact us to add your name to the Drop-in mailing list if you’d like advanced notice.
When ?
The first Wednesday of the month,
3.30 to 5.00 pm, at
The Grange, 815 chemin des Gourettes,
06370 Mouans-Sartoux
Third Friday of the month,
10.30 to 12.00 noon, at
La Ligue, 44 Bd. Maréchal Foch,
06600 Antibes
Where ?
The Grange, 815 chemin des Gourettes, 06370 Mouans-Sartoux
La Ligue, 44 Bd. Maréchal Foch,
06600 Antibes
Get in touch !
Call us on 07 68 38 74 70 or send us an email to info@csg06.com